The Revolutionary Insights of Sabir Multani (Simple Organs Law): Unveiling the Laws of Nature in Medicine

Reviving Medicine: Breaking Scientific Stagnation

traditional medical practices

After the 20th century, breaking the scientific and research stagnation was the great personality of Hazrat Dost Muhammad Sabir Multani, who not only established a new system in the revival of medical art, but also made it extremely easy to discover all matters related to humans, which are interconnected with the system of nature from the smallest particle to the vastness of space. The science of wisdom and the art of medicine had been waiting for centuries for its renewal, advancement, and perfection, anxiously awaiting a Messianic time. In Europe and Russia, atrocities were committed against ancient medicine both scientifically and practically, which led to the lamentation of ancient medicine for its destruction and ruin. 

After the 20th century, from the Arab world to the Indian subcontinent, and from Europe to the Russian and British empires, the scientific researches we receive reveal that these conscious merchants and narrow-minded scientists had imposed their desires and greed on the foundations, laws, and principles of the science of medicine. The research and inherent Muslim facts were being ignored. When physicians and philosophers were becoming increasingly intimidated by Western medicine and were trying to align the theories and research of medical art with Western medicine, these physicians and philosophers were imprisoned in the Western siege, and they were giving the name of the revival of medicine and the revival of art to their selfishness, and this selfishness was causing great harm to the medical art. 

When the funeral of the medical art was about to be lifted, at that time the revival of the art of medicine had become an urgent need. At that time, Allah Almighty produced a man like Hazrat Dost Muhammad Sabir Multani, who was famous and renowned as the “Hakim-e-Inqlab” (Revolutionary Physician). Allah Almighty bestowed extraordinary advancement in the art of medicine on the Revolutionary Physician for the revival of medicine. The principles of nature were kept in accordance with the science and arts of medicine, and he presented this principle in the form of a law in the medical world.

The Essence-Matter Principle: Essence and Matter in Harmony

This theory is a principle of the law of nature derived from matter and essence, meaning that matter is essentially derived from essence, and thus, essence and matter have the same properties and benefits in terms of their actions and effects. Just as matter is derived from essence, and then matter takes various forms and qualities, and from these forms and qualities arise the elements, then from the elements arise compounds, then from compounds arise dirty and subtle bodies, and then the formation of individual organs is a fundamental fact. That is, when an element chooses a body, it becomes matter, and when matter is allocated, it becomes elements. When the elements are dissolved, compounds are formed, and when the compounds are solidified, compounds are formed, and when the compounds are solidified, individual organs are formed. The Revolutionary Physician laid the foundation of the science and art of medicine on these individual organs. Among them, special arrangement, balance, actions, and harmonious organization are the states of body health and function correctly, and when the balance is lost, disease arises. This law of simple organs (Simple Organopathy) is the spirit of the revival of medicine and the challenge for the modern medical world.

Understanding Human Consciousness: Human Essence and Matter

The extent of human consciousness can be estimated from individual and social theories and roles. The development of individual consciousness in the world has revealed the powers of human conscience and imagination, and this very consciousness and research avenues represent the embodiment of the style of life. These creations and discoveries actually elucidate the relationship and realities of human essence with matter, as creation is a force that gives form to material means. These are the very positions and causes that challenge humans to present new experiences and theories, and this eternal force takes the truth of the struggle of life along with the human race and takes it to the level of thought. Upon reflection, the discovery of this power is also creation, and it is this creation that identifies thinkers, philosophers, and physicians in the world and leads them to the realm of thought, it is this power that from Hazrat Adam to today's humans, Allah Almighty continuously showers with the Total Conscience. This power bestows recognition to humans and individual realms of endowment.

When the power of consciousness and intellect is bestowed upon a human being, great achievements emerge, which play a fundamental role in uncovering the mysteries and secrets of the universe and beyond. Just as the wise revolutionary, Revolutionary Physician “Sabir Multani”, through his profound contemplation and enlightened thinking, discovered the magnificent masterpiece of "Simple Organ Theory" in the natural world.

The law of simple organs is not confined to the expanses of the self and the universe alone; it not only elucidates the activities of human beings in terms of physiological, biochemical, organic, inorganic, paranormal, visible and invisible, psychological and intuitive, and genetic actions but also reflects the societal, economic, class-based, spiritual, civilized, cultural, political, and universal conditions affecting humans.

The Simple Organo-Pathy law not only encompasses ancient and contemporary research but also represents investigations from every era, which, centuries later, Allah Almighty manifests through the laws of nature. Revolutionary Physician, akin to a thoughtful philosopher, by presenting the concept of Simple Organ Theory in light of the eternal laws of nature, intertwines the essence with matter and then with various forms of matter with utmost profundity, aligning the scattered colors in the space with the system of life.

The Scope of Simple Organo-Pathy: Bridging Science and Ancient Wisdom

Despite the continuous research and experiments by the WHO, there are still many diseases whose explanations remain elusive, let alone their treatments. According to an estimate, every 58 seconds, a person dies from cancer in the world, and millions are affected by diseases like HVC & AIDS, the origins and causes of which medical science is still silent about.

Why does this happen? There are several national, political, and social assumptions, and personal interests and destinies behind it, which are avoided from being presented to the public.

The Simple Organs Theory is a natural science that predates modern medical science by several hundred years and provides justifications and evidence. The countless characteristics and attributes of the Simple Organopathy law challenge the superficial research of modern medical science. Science lacks a formal theory or principle to elucidate reality because whatever it possesses are disparate theories and hypotheses of various components that do not connect with each other. Thus, the subject of science revolves around the three fundamental stages of perception/sensation, matter, life, and soul, but the question remains: what is their relationship? What is the connection between the material body and the immaterial body and soul?

In reality, instead of studying the essence of the matter, science delves into its details and remains incapable of correlating and reconciling the extracted results and facts. Every genius is limited by his environment and tends to confirm beliefs and test facts according to his environment, becoming incapable of investigating reality from a holistic perspective.

In the light of ancient and modern ideas, it is clear that ancient humans, by extracting the details from the whole through logic and philosophy, continued to present elements as theories and then as principles and laws.

Advancements in Medical Science: Understanding the Essence of Matter

Let's explore the advancements in medical science through the lens of Sabir Multani’s research on the holistic view of individual organs in the light of modern scientific research.

1) In the realm of the science of medicine, life, and the universe, soul, and horizons are perceived collectively. Excellent examples of this are natural phenomena, which consist of fundamental elements, essential temperament, essential tissue fluids/humors, organs, souls, forces, and functions. According to medical philosophy, the fundamental elements are actually the essence of the soul and horizons, life and the universe, and the initial essences of creation. Sciences and scientific disciplines are based on reality sciences, which relate to external sensory perception, and their result always remain consistent in uniform environments and conditions, always following the principle of cause and effect. Denying these realities means escaping from facts.

In the light of modern scientific research, the advancement of matter actually refers to the waves of atoms that are spread throughout infinite souls and horizons. These waves are called energy. According to William James (1992), the entire material universe is composed of waves, which are of two types: a. Confined (Bottled), which is called matter, and b. Free (Unbottled), which is called light. These waves exist in many forms and colors because it is a factual reality that energy transforms in different states, leading to variations in mechanical, chemical, electrical, thermal, solar, gravitational, electromagnetic, and cosmic forms of energy. However, the primary energy contained in these waves is the only energy produced by nature from its total consciousness. When these waves come together or unite, they appear in the form of matter. There is a difference in energy in every form, which arises from qualities. Modern science essentially moves from matter to the atom, as when the matter is analyzed, it breaks down into molecules, then atoms, and further into the positive and negative forces of electrons, protons, etc., which is essentially the structure of matter.

In fact, these are the qualities (Primary Conditions of Elements) that are the beginning of material and non-material bodies, and these qualities are heat, moisture, dryness, and coldness in their apparent states. These are the basic characteristics whose presence leads to the evolution of matter and its shapes are adorned with the qualities of creation. The movements of electrons and the waves emanating from them are part of the delicate states of the universe and horizons. Time and space are also included in it. Individual organ medicine does not differentiate between atoms and matter but rather changes in qualities and natural abilities. Because the essences of bodies are delicate, and matter represents their crude form, it was proven that the atomic nucleus is the only energy that, through the divine command of "Be and it is," arises from the essence of primary qualities and shapes matter.

From the creation of the universe to the creation of humans, it is this single energy that maintains a connection between qualities and then the various forms of matter with the soul and horizons.

(2) The elements from which everything is composed, such as fire, air, earth, and water, have emerged through qualities. Every soul and the universe's objects come into existence through these elements, and the qualities of elements can be observed in everything. Modern science says that elements are not singular but found in compound states. They consist of different types and forms of elements, but it does not deny their qualitative reality and their variations give rise to different states and forms of matter. Sabir Multani for the first time compared qualities and elements with the science of objects and external bodies and arranged and applied their sources, achievements, and functional effects, which is not within the scope of modern science yet. Individual organ medicine has provided a general comparison by giving anatomical descriptions and is still observing individual functional activities.

(3) The elements and qualities are the nucleus of the human body, which, when combined with these four qualities, results in the initial arrangement of the four elements, and then this arrangement forms the human body's visible essence. From the basic unit of energy in the human body, it forms atomic properties and structurally in the form of cells. Then individual organ medicine arranges it into tissues from cells and then to organs. This system consists of four types of tissues: nervous, muscular, epithelial, and connective tissues, the ultimate development of which is implicit in the creation and birth of humans. Sabir Multani has clearly described the beginning of the human body that after gestation in the mother's womb, in different states, the germ is divided into three parts called Ectoderm, Endoderm, and Mesoderm. All the body's cells, tissues, and organs are formed from these three layers, and this is the latest explanation of "creation in the shadow of darkness," according to the law of individual organs. It has been proven that the embryo passes through various stages and forms of the first nine months and then is born from the abdomen. Modern science cannot deny that only these three systems are the real human body systems, which are the evidence of the truth of simple organ medicine, and modern science can explain the structure and function of the entire body.

(4) The body's organs are actually formed from individual cells, which are the essence of tissues and contain the forces, heat, and energy from which their individual and unique birth and growth arise through metabolism, irritability, reproduction, respiratory and excretory functions, and nutrition and purification capabilities. These four types of cells also make four types of tissues, which not only differ from each other but also in their form, structure, and nutrition, and their mutual relationship completes the human body, i.e., nervous tissue, muscular tissue, epithelial tissue, and connective tissue. According to the law of individual organs, these tissues have been considered as individual organs, and organs are formed from their composite form.

(5) Modern medical science's research in modern physiology reveals such symbols by studying the structures with extreme precision and expertise in anatomy and histology that before this, modern medical science did not know such research and if the systems are expanded under the law of simple organs, not only does it become easier to understand the human body, but it also avoids countless terms and the most difficult names. For example, modern medical science has discovered more than 220 different types of cells in the human body, and these cells' names and various types become increasingly difficult as they branch out, which poses difficulties for students and physicians. Sabir Multani gave such a theory in the form of the law of simple organs that divided all these cells, i.e., 220, into three systems and arranged them in such an order that modern medical science cannot deny it. According to modern physiology, all these cells are formed from Ectoderm, Endoderm, and Mesoderm and are the foundation of the human body's material form. The law of simple organs compared these individual cells with individual organs and described a systematic order and explained their interactions with detailed actions and effects.

(6) By comparing hematological and chemical variables with individual organs, new ways of understanding the causes and treatment of various diseases have been introduced.

(7) Establishing the relationship between immunity and organs, as well as between blood and the vital force of the body, demonstrates mutual assistance, balance, and similarity.

(8) By explaining the relationship between the Universal Force and the vital force of the body, and showcasing the laws of nature governing these forces, the direct and simple method of the systematization of nature is demonstrated.

(9) The relationship between psychological effects such as happiness, sadness, joy, fear, and anger with different organs, and correlating them with blood circulation, highlights the unique law of simple organs.

(10) The law of simple organs distinguishes itself from all other systems of treatment by providing an extremely easy method of treatment and management by comparing vitamin deficiencies and nutritional disorders with individual organs. It presents all types of nutrition in an organized and relevant manner, emphasizing that successful treatment of vitamin and nutritional disorders is only possible through dietary changes.

(11) The revolutionary principle of understanding the state and changes in other organs due to the illness of one organ is a remarkable achievement in the field of medicine. Understanding the continuous factors of stimulation, relaxation, and resolution within the body allows for an understanding of not only the condition or changes of one organ but also the entire body and its temperament. This perspective establishes a fundamental connection between the microcosm (human) and the macrocosm (universe and cosmos), where interactions, reactions, and effects are observed.

(12) Modern medical science has diversified medicine to such an extent that the medical system has become extremely complex. In this context, specialists in heart diseases may not understand gastroenterology, and neurologists may not understand orthopedics. However, the law of individual organs presents all branches of the body in a systematic and fundamental manner, which no other science has yet elucidated. Despite extensive research, modern medical science has not yet fully understood the human body, and while it has generated numerous diseases, it lacks facilities for its treatment. Some errors of modern medical science include:

i.     Considering the human body merely as evolved matter, with changes related to its intrinsic material.

ii.       The human body is composed of atoms and molecules, and its actions are essentially physicochemical processes based on the principles of physics and chemistry.

iii.       Emotional states are primarily caused by chemical changes in the body.

iv.       The relationship between disease and life is ancient and hereditary.

v.        Diseases can be cured with modern technology.

vi.     The treatment of symptoms is essentially the treatment of the disease itself; therefore, symptoms are also diseases.

vii.      The patient is not responsible for the diseases contracted.

viii.   Microorganisms are the sole cause of all infections and diseases, and parasitic organisms are essentially responsible for all infectious diseases, etc.

Several such theories are baseless and limited, upon which the loose foundations of modern medical science stand. However, the law of simple organs articulates all these mysteries and secrets legally and systematically, explaining and treating these errors in an extremely organized manner. When modern science becomes acquainted with the principles of stimulation, relaxation, and resolution, not only will the solution to physical diseases and changes become apparent, but also help in understanding cosmic and metaphysical matters, leading to a series of new discoveries. Because the law of simple organs is a universal and metaphysical truth, and the law of nature is the supreme law of nature.

(13) When the human body is understood within a systematic and interconnected system, a physician becomes not just a doctor but rather a true body explorer. That is why certain diagnoses and flawless treatments distinguish it from all other systems of medicine. It is now evident to all that pulse reading and urinalysis hold a fundamental position in the science of diagnosis. Apart from Greek and Chinese medicine, no other system of medicine provides an explanation of pulse and urinalysis. In Greek medicine, there are so many types of pulses that they cannot be remembered, nor can their practical measures be adopted. In Chinese medicine, pulse is understood around the philosophical concepts of Yin, Yang, and Qi, which help in understanding bodily states. However, matching organ correlations, chemical and mechanical interactions, temperaments, and inner and outer strengths do not find the proper explanation. Sabir Multani presented pulse reading and urinalysis in such a simple, logical, and certain manner that no other medicine has been able to present it to this day.

(14) Modern medical science has accumulated over 700 million tests to diagnose the organization of the human body and its resulting changes. However, obtaining certain diagnoses from all these countless tests remains the most difficult stage, which is still complex. Among all these tests are medical imaging, radiological tests, laboratory tests, and nuclear tests, etc. Some of these stages force the patient to go through extremely difficult and complex phases. For example, in some cases, the patient has to undergo so much blood loss that they become weaker even before the diagnosis, and sometimes the patient succumbs to death before the diagnosis is made. Despite the help of modern biotechnology and nanotechnology, many new discoveries have been made, but has the benefit of these discoveries remained constant? Is a definitive diagnosis possible? The answer to this question is somewhere between yes and no. However, in the law of single organs, diagnosis through pulse reading and urinalysis becomes certain, and especially when you reach the chief organ, the entire condition and state of the body become evident before you. It is the uniqueness of the law of single organs that in Greek medicine, so far, 10 thousand types of pulses have been found, and variations in the state and style of pulse are observed, from which the conditions of the human body, perceptions derived from pulse fingers, and expressions of emotions and feelings are articulated in the language of medicine and art. However, understanding so many types of pulses and gaining experience in them requires many ages. But the law of single organs has divided the complex pulse into six different pulses and encapsulated the ocean in a vessel, an example not found in the history of medicine and art.

(15) Modern medical science bases the detection of fever and some heart diseases such as atrial ischemia/arrhythmias on the speed and amplitude of the pulse. However, understanding the body's conditions through pulse and comprehending all diseases distinguishes the law of single organs from other systems of medicine. Expert observation and interpretation of pulse elevate its importance because the expertise of pulse reveals the internal and external qualities of the patient, the imbalances and temperaments of organs, and the secrets and mysteries of moderation and excesses. Thus, the expert in art and medicine reaches the heart of every cell from the heart of the body, enabling the initiation, soothing, and analysis of single organs.

In conclusion, the groundbreaking insights and meticulous research of Sabir Multani have not only revitalized ancient sciences and wisdom but have also endowed them with invaluable principles and laws of natural health. From unraveling the complexities of the human body to offering a profound understanding of disease pathology, his contributions stand as a beacon of enlightenment in the realm of medical science. As we reflect on the journey from antiquity to modernity, it becomes evident that the fragrance of ancient medicine speaks volumes about the enduring truths embedded within the laws of nature. Sabir Multani's legacy serves as a testament to the boundless potential of human intellect and the timeless pursuit of knowledge in unlocking the mysteries of existence.
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